Had D&T today, was in the studio for whole 3 hours. Freezing inside. After that was Maths. More then half of the class didn't do Maths Assignments, thus all of us were sent out of class. For the whole 1hr, Isabel and Me was discussing bout babies. Haha. Teacher gave us many Maths Homework and expected us to get it done over the weekends. Seriously like WHATTHEHECK! They are out to squeeze our brain juices :(
After school, it rained! Luv it! Well.... Isabel and Me strolled back to my house in the rain. The feeling of walking in the rain is not able to describe, try it yourself. :) Had Yoshinoya for lunch, felt like vomitting cuz I'm too full. At night gonna have another feast at parents' friend hse! Cool or what! Haha.
While I'm in school, was dicussing with Karen Lesbo about after O's holidays plan. We plan to go Taiwan together and then maybe to Australia. We're like extremely excited 2 the max lah! Well... All still depends on our O's which is like 1yr l8r. But yeah, time flies~
EOY in 14days...
Status : Halfway through.
Due : Tuesday
-E maths book
Status : Have not even started.
Due : Tuesday
-English TYS
Status : Started
Due : Tuesday
Status : 1 more paragraph!
Due : Yesterday -.-
-A Maths book
Status : Haven open the book at all!
Due : Next week.
As you can see, I've got tons of homework :( I've yet to include my other subjects! These long weekends, I'm gonna sleep late to get it ALL DONE! (Hope I can-.-)
Long post uh! Hahahahaha.
I'm yet to finish! Hehehehehe. Blogger's okay! Like finally-.-
Well, I was surfing Stomp.sg and then I came across this...
Look at that woman up there. Would you dress like that to a buffet?
Obviously no right, duh. Her dressing are outrageous and like EWW
Trying to show off her tummy? *vomit
Trying to show off her tummy? *vomit
One of the stomper said :
"Yes, she might have her pride and she's not afraid to dress like this in public, eating buffet as I watched her tummy gets bigger and bigger the more she ate."
HAHA! Her stomach gets bigger and bigger. LOL!
HAHA! Her stomach gets bigger and bigger. LOL!
I dare any of you to wear this and eat buffet. If you dare, I give you 5 bucks! Hehehehe.
Up next is....
Look carefully at what the girls are wearing...
Could you guess what are those?
C O N D O M S!
Woo hoo! Sexy boh? Hahaha, I bet condom dressing will be the new trend in a few years time...
Am I done yet?
Yeah, I'm like finally done. Hehehe. Well, my bed is calling me now.
Yeah, I'm like finally done. Hehehe. Well, my bed is calling me now.
But b4 that, off to eat my favz fruit - - - - - - - - - KIWI!

You want some? I can give you. ^^